

几年来,承蒙社会各界人士的关心和支持,豫信致诚机械设备有限公司充分发挥自身优势,积j i面向 江苏淮安工业软管泵市场,参与竞争, 取得了良好的生态效益、社会效益和经济效益,受到了社会各界的好评,有较好的认知度和美誉度。我们将再接再励,不断加强自身建设。


与挤塑轮结构设计相比,胶管泵的滑靴设计能承受更高的压力,因此要根据泵的需求压力和具体应用情况来决定哪种设计适合。挤压轮设计只需在软管表面涂上硅脂,不需要额外的润滑油,因为滚筒在软管表面“滚动”。因此,该设计可考虑用于涉及食品和饮料的应用,因为在软管故障和断裂的情况下,交叉污染的概率小于浸没在润滑油中的拖鞋设计蠕动泵的概率,即使油是“食品级”,通常也 使用滚筒设计。                             


Possible causes and solutions for insufficient oil delivery of industrial hose pumps. Gear pump troubleshooting. 10 oil-separating ring gear pumps should be able to supply oil continuously, and the gear meshing overlap factor should be greater than 1. When one pair of gears is not disengaged, the other pair of gears has entered the meshed state. In this way, when there are two pairs of gears meshing at the same time, a closed volume is formed between the tooth meshing lines of the two pairs of gears, and part of the oil is also trapped therein.


化工行业,各种防腐蚀浆料和无机盐物料;石油、钻井、水处理、泥浆、石灰浆;采矿冶金的充填物料,矿浆输送;食品行业,油类物料及饮料,糊状料输送;造纸行业,纸浆、硫磺输送;建筑业,水泥沙浆、泡沫混凝土生产线,楼顶屋泡沫轻质流体物料;油漆、涂料、钛 、二氧化碳等物料输送。

Typical use of hose pump:
Chemical industry, various anti-corrosion slurry and inorganic salt materials; petroleum, drilling, water treatment, mud, lime slurry; filling materials for mining and metallurgy, slurry transportation; food industry, transportation of oil materials and beverages, paste; papermaking Industry, pulp and sulfur transportation; construction industry, cement mortar, foam concrete production line, rooftop foam light fluid materials; paint, coating, titanium dioxide, carbon dioxide and other materials transportation.
